Dear Scribes,
It's the night before Christmas, and I'm frustrated
as all hell. Challenge 21 in Grabbed by the Ghoulies
- what were you THINKING? Over the course of the last three days (pausing my
Xbox because there's no save feature, you heartless cretins) I've managed to
worm my way up to Baron von Ghoul's showdown. Sweet Birthday Boy, whatever prize
I get better be worth it. I don't mean an extra gallery page. At this point,
I'm expecting either some amazing ULTRA-HARD mode where I play as Ted the Boatbuilder
from Conker's Pocket Tales, or my Xbox's bottom
panel breaking open to revealing an oral sex port.
Kameo looks far too much
like Blinx the Timesweeper. I demand you rename it Blinx Adventures
and take a further two years on development so it can be on Xbox 2. If you were
to release the game on time with an original protagonist, I would enjoy it too
much, and might even herald it as a masterpiece which would take far too much
attention away from Microsoft's other games. Yes, I think you need to take a
good look at Kameo and be forc- er, agree to take
the path trodden to death.
I've got your back,
Chad McCanna
P.S. So with that new logo, what happens to the term "Rareware" now? You can't
abandon it entirely. When your company makes the natural progression into textiles,
nobody will understand the punned brilliance behind your Rarewear line.
"Cretins we may be, but heartless?" protests the Ghoulies
team leader. "I think you'll find that the game generously saves automatically
as you progress, even in Challenge 21 - you conclusion-jumping fool. You do
get a gallery page at the end, but it's a real good one. It moves and everything.
"I suggest you email Microsoft and ask them about
secret Xbox ports, but I doubt it was high on their list of 'must have' features
- probably only just above 'controller electrocutes player if they say a bad
word about Bill'.
"Kameo looks like
Blinx? You may have our back, but who's got your eyes? It looks nothing
like Blinx, as Kameo is a girl and Blinx isn't (I think). Surely that's
enough difference." (A representative from the Kameo
team had much the same response here: "Do
you mean the characters look the same? In which case 'are you mad?' Or do you
mean the games look the same? In which case 'are you mad?' Nice idea - I'll
file it in my (b)IN TRAY.")
"P.S. The Rareware logo is currently up for grabs
at Measham car boot sale - along with knocked-off DVDs, broken 70s furniture
and dead men's clothes."
I know that you said that Banjo and friends are a little
outdated, but I think that you should really stick with what works. I bought
a Gamecube initially, and owning it for over a year now, Nintendo have tried
to change what made the N64 so successful. Their games are too short, they've
changed all the winning formulas for a game and tried do something new, like
with Mario's backpack and Zelda's design, and overall their games are
far too easy. The 'Nintendo Difference' obviously wasn't very successful for
a lot of gamers. Back to you though, I think that even if you changed the bad
gal Grunty to another character, but kept the same puzzles, weird speaking objects,
and same humour, millions of people would buy it as they already know that it's
worth it. I really do think that you should let BK
come back and produce another great game for us, and not lead yourself into
the same trap Nintendo did...
John 'Lucky' Luckhurst
Rareware Reply Guy,
Straight back to the head of the Ghoulies/Banjo
team with this one, then:
"We hear what you (and many others, judging by
the number of e-mails we get) are saying and you make a good point. You have
to bear in mind that contrary to most other websites, ours is written in a mostly
light-hearted and seldom serious way, so much of what we say is for our readers'
amusement rather than boring you with corporate fact and intentions. Even so,
as a company we have to be aware of what today's (and indeed, tomorrow's) gamers
want and where the market is heading, so if any particular type of game is proved
to be 'outdated' or 'unpopular' it would be unwise to work on one. But don't
give up on old Banjo yet, you never know when and where he may turn up! Look
at Sabreman - he's gone over 15 years between games!"
It has come to my attention lately how much Donkey
Konga will suck. Are you happy about this level of suckage? Are you ashamed
that the game has even been SPAWNED? Seriously, man. If I was Namco I'd be kicking
my own ass. Also...
1) Will Diddy King ever have his own game on the X-Box?
2) Are you ever going to make Diddy
Kong Racing for a portable such as the GBA?
3) When will Tiptup be back? I MEES HEEM.
4) How are you, Mr. Pants?
Shadow, Insomnia Hedgehog, or whatever I am to be called
Dear Scribes,
Haven't played it myself, but by all accounts Donkey Konga sounds like
a pretty good laugh. So stop trying to provoke us into libellous comments. We're
way too Zen for that.
1) Diddy King? Is he like a miniature replica
of Don King, with a monkey tail to counter the overbalancing effects of his
comedy hair? Or am I giving you more character design credit than you deserve?
2) Couldn't say. What, Mickey's
Racing Adventure not good enough for you?
3) The Banjo team
seem to have some kind of twisted affection for Tiptup, so perhaps he'll turn
up in their next game. But don't quote me on it.
4) Mr. Pants is fine. He's been very busy lately
trying to decide how many yachts and exotic villas he's going to buy with the
profits from his upcoming GBA game. The poor deluded fool.
Hello to you and a happy new year and all that. Now
I think that the ability to create your own soundtrack on the Xbox is a pretty
good idea... but there are very few games that actually support this feature...
now... as you are in the "industry"... could you tell me why this feature isn't
used more?? Or guess?? I can't imagine that it should be that difficult to put
in a game... even with my superb programming skills.
10 Print "shut up and go away"
20 Goto 10 (you can use this in a game if you want...
I won't be cross)
Or is it a question about the musician's ego?? Haven't
bought Grabbed yet... but I will... I have just
gotten a new console called a "girlfriend" and she's pretty expensive.. so I
can't buy every new game like before... well I have to go now... have a nice
Erling Hansen
Wow... you like your thoughtful... pauses... don't you...? Let's ask Grant...
what he... think... s.
"Yeah, what a fantastic idea! People with absolutely
no idea of how to string two notes together could compose an entire game soundtrack,
I think you'd better hurry up and patent this idea, you're on to a winner Erling.
"You wanna watch those 'girlfriend' console things,
they look great from the outside but the electronics are all messed up!"
Actually, I've noticed that we haven't had much
mail from the ladies recently - that little comment should bring some in.
Up the GbtG team,
(1) Did any of the artists sneakily animate a segment
of Ricky Gervais' Office dance...? I coulda sworn I saw a zombie doing
(2) Has Rare/MS considered publishing a 'making of'
book...? Yes, I know I send an email every week about this (The Shawshank
Redemption theory), but playing some of the bonus games and unlocking the
gallery... well the concept art is very stylish, ties in directly with the actual
game and looks as though it would lend itself to this type of art/making of
style book.
(3) Did you call the main character Cooper so that
FAQs all over the world would have to refer to the mini-me power ups as 'Mini
Coopers'? :)
(4) Just what *are* Mr Pants' Chocolate Treats dare
I ask...?
(5) Be honest, did Tom Arnold *reallllly* test GbtG?
(6) Finally, and most importantly... is Mumbo Jumbo
the long-lost leader of the Ninja Imps?
"Alf-Life" Badowsky
More for the team! Look at the length of that response - must have caught them
on a good day.
"1) The artist who animated the Zombie's sad shuffling
is indeed an Office fan, but having seen his booze-fuelled disco grooving
down at the real Embassy I'd have to say he based it on his own.
"2) The 'behind the scenes' or 'making of'
a game aren't as glamorous as you may think. Artists moaning that their animations
haven't been put in, software types moaning that the artists are using too much
memory, musicians moaning that there's a barely audible click in one tune that
no-one else can hear, designers moaning that their ideas haven't been implemented
properly and worst of all, Mr. Kirkhope moaning that it's not his turn to make
the tea (when it is really) - hardly makes for a riveting read, does it? Alternatively,
we could tell you that it's all plain sailing and the game virtually creates
itself - leaving us to take it easy all day, playing cards and organising parties
with celebrities and Page 3 models. I'll leave you to believe which one is nearer
the truth.
"3) The miniature Coopers were indeed called
Mini Coopers in the game at one point, but Microsoft's friendly legal department
pointed out that the car name owners might not be best pleased - so we changed
it. The power-ups were included in the game long after the main character was
named, so I'm afraid it's a resounding 'NO' to this one.
"4) Obviously they are chocolate confectionery
that he makes when not starring on our website or in his quality new game. What
did you think they were - turds? You're disgusting. We can't believe such an
innocent product conjures up such innuendo in people who play our games. Next
you'll be telling us that you think Soupswill's Homemade Ass Brownies aren't
tasty 'cakes' made by the highly skilled stable of donkeys that she keeps at
"5) Yes, Tom did get his hands dirty along
with the rest of us and play the game." (If you're asking whether or
not it was the Tom Arnold, then no, it wasn't, you fool. - Ed)
"6) No, I'd have thought it pretty obvious
that King Jingaling is, as just about everyone claims the Jinjos and Imps are
one and the same."
Dear Scribes,
I have read many rumors about pdo
and calle dmany video game shops and no one seems to know a bloody thing about
when this game is coming out so i email you know asking you to please let me
know when i can excpet this game i have been waiting for this game ever since
i was still playing pd and it would be nice to
play the game before before robots start playing them for us.
Not big on punctuation, are you, Joe? Listen closely now: we have not at this
moment in time settled on a release date for PD0.
When we have done so, we will tell you. We could just make one up, but then
it wouldn't actually be released on that date and you'd get all stream-of-consciousness
on us again.
Now the title of the upcoming Conker
game is Conker: Live and Uncut. Is it truly uncut,
or will it be like the N64 one with bleeps when the words get too upsetting
for little peopleses' parents? I'm kind of torn as to which I'd prefer, but
I believe that if it is truly uncut, it may make parents start to pay attention
to the rating system set up by the ESRB. They'll think twice before buying their
kid an M rated game next time. I think the gaming world needs a game like this
to make parents realize the importance of the rating system. It's almost more
important than movies! Movies, they'll watch a few times, but games they play
every day for weeks and weeks, over and over. I don't know what the point of
my letter is, really. I was just curious whether it would be like the original
Conker or actually "uncut" for the Xbox crowd and
then I ended up typing what I was thinking in my head. I've given you too much
information... I'm sorry.
More information for you: I work at a video game retailer. That might explain
what I was thinking. Oh yeah! Being that I work at a video game retailer, I'd
like you to give retailers lots of freebies, demos, and merchandise. I know,
I know. It's not up to you to make merchandise. But I'm just trying to add to
the number of people who are demanding Conker merchandise
(and whatever else they want... I'm all for it. I just want Conker
things). But seriously, I want free stuff.
The team are working towards a certain resolution of the bleeped/unbleeped issue
at the moment, but it's not common knowledge so I can't really say. Besides,
there's plenty of time before
the final version in which things could
change completely. I just wanted to include your
letter so that Conker actually gets namedropped
amidst all these Ghoulies questions, and so that
people don't take the temporary lack of mentions as 100% UNDENIABLE PROOF that
the game's been scrapped...
As for the merchandise, don't talk to us, talk
to Microsoft. Unless by asking the developers for 'freebies' and samples of
'merchandise' you were actually suggesting something dirtier.
forgive me Leigh,
*sigh* Well, anything to speed the return of Tusk.
This is going to hurt me more than it hurts you, probably because it will hurt
me writing it, and then hurt more when Tusk sodomizes me with his sword.
1.) Why are there schoolgirls spread though the mansion
in GBG? 2.) Is that girl with pink hair in love
with Carver? 3.) Are they going to get married? 4.) Why is her hair pink? Is
it because she's in love? 5.) I can't beat the second level. Why do I suck?
6.) Can I have some pushbutton codes or something for this game?
I hope the other readers appreciate my sacrifice. Oh,
I suppose I should make a few obscure "in jokes" to keep my word. Hmm... speedo-clad
Dave Roscoe
You can't coerce me into bringing Tusk back with asinine questions, man. Don't
you think I've developed a certain numbness to asinine questions by this point?
Not to mention asinine answers: Amber's hair is pink because she still can't
get the blood out from that time she beat five nuns to death with a cricket
Dear Scribes,
Purchased GBTG yesterday.
I am currently about 90 mins into the game and after another slow start (SFA)
things are becoming insanely difficult. Bravo! At the introduction of the game
there is a Banjo-Kazooie Xbox game in the desk
drawer and then there is a tantalising flick through a Rare and then Microsoft
engraved book. Are these glimpses of your future offerings? Do you get to look
through the books as a reward if you complete the game? By the way when is the
release date of...? Jesting Jesting.
All the best,
"Anyone can look through these books by simply recording the sequence and
playing it back really slowly," advises the designer waggishly. "Our
testing department (and probably Microsoft's legal crew) have already done this,
checking to see if the over-enthusiastic development team added anything they
shouldn't. As if!
"Much as we'd like to tell you what our future
offerings are, I'm afraid we can't - as the rest of the world would think it
highly unfair if only you knew."
Baron von Ghoul,
You are my new hero. Never before have I seen a character
with such charisma, such grace, such wit, such a fantastic laugh, such wonderful
headgear! I'm with you all the way on your decision to kidnap that prat Cooper's
girlfriend. I mean, honestly. Calling you a creep? How dare he! Here you are,
innocently minding your own business as you recreate the exciting scene from
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade where Sean Connery scares the seagulls
to the Nazi plane (complete with machine gun sound effects!) and then all of
a sudden, this nobody in an (admittedly handsome) blue and green hand-knitted
jumper goes and insults you for no reason! In front of your own home! If that's
not treason, then I don't know what is.
I've also taken a liking to Mr. Ribs (doodely-doo!).
The poor innocent soul is just trying to help. I'm sure that Cookie finds him
handy around the kitchen, Baron - I mean, you won't be getting any hairs in
your soup if he's cooking it, and it's pretty pointless for him to be doing
taste testing. Well done in your staff choice.
Also, may I congratulate you in your choice of Reaper.
The silent, floaty black clothed menace with the eerie glowing finger does the
job splendidly. And he does a wicked air guitar. Must be difficult to pay him
though, with the whole touch-him-and-you're-dead thing, and all.
Can we expect to see you and Mr. Ribs in upcoming titles?
I'd enjoy a game where you're in the front of a dogfighting plane and Mr. Ribs
is in the back, and whenever he shoots the machine gun, you can hear his bones
rattle. And naturally, you'd both have to wear your fantastic headgear.
If this reaches you before Christmas, Merry Christmas
2003! If not, absolve your sins, the apocalypse is coming.
Aussie Ben
The Baron himself (no, really) responds: "Did you know that I started out
life as a very sinister Baron, who was going to turn into a fiery demon at the
end? One of our artists thought I was a bit clichéd, so sketched a picture of
me with a home-made plane instead. Stupid boy, as from then on I was destined
to be a complete buffoon."
And over to the team leader for the rest of your answers:
"Mr. Ribs is also the work of the same 'cute' artist - a bit worrying to
be honest. But even he's not quite as worrying as your bone-rattling dogfight
fantasy with Ribs shooting from behind. That's just scary. We were thinking
more along the lines of an overly dramatic cooking contest game presented like
a boxing bout with hilarious dodgy voiceovers. Hang on, though - that's the
Iron Chef."
Scribes... yeah, that felt weird to
Hi. I'm a first time reader, no wait... first time
writer, last time read... whatever. Look, I never thought I'd like another game
as much what you guys accomplished in 4 player mayhem of Goldeneye,
then comes along a little game called Conker's BFD
and it blew everything out the water. As I've gotten older as a gamer, Conker
filled that spot of hilarious humor and excellent gameplay quite well in my
heart, and is probably my favorite game ever. I let friends borrow it, and they
loved it of course. Which leads me to a conversation that happened recently-
Me- Yeah, man. Conker Live and
Uncut is coming out on Xbox. That's the only reason I bought an Xbox,
is so I can play Conker again. That and Perfect
Dark of course.
Friend- (Drops hideously designed PS2 controller
on the concrete floor) The old Conker is going
to be on there... uncut?
Me- Yup. How was the multi-player on Conker,
by the way?
Friend- It was awesome... think Nazi Teddy bears. The
multi play was amazing, and I played it on two players.
Me- Whoa. It's gonna have over 15 players on Xbox Live,
Right after that, my friend had a seizure on the floor
and was humped in the face by a German Shepherd named 'Geraldo'. But that still
didn't remove the smile from his face. My Xbox is ready to be dusted off, and
I speak for a bunch of other people when I say that when Rare goes LIVE... so
shall we.
The extra Battletoad,
DuRousseau Houston, TX Via Satellite
Well, cheers. Good name, by the way: the sort of name that makes you shout "nobody's
called that!" when it turns up as the name of a maverick cop turned ladykilling
private investigator in some arse-brained Hollywood explosion-fest. But anyway.
The Live element is definitely the main focus of Conker's upcoming Xbox outing,
as you'd expect, so you can rest assured that a lot of effort is being
poured into making it worthwhile. Give Geraldo a pat on the head from us - ideally
from a standing position.
I have recently rediscovered Donkey
Kong Country for the SNES. An absolutely fantastic Jump & Run (one of
my all-time favorites)! Since it seems to be abandonware, would it be possible
to offer the game on the Rareware website?
There are many very popular (and extremely easy-to-use
and mature!) SNES emulators available for multiple platforms.
One of those + a USB-Gamepad bring back those beautiful
old memories... It is very sad that many excellent games simply fade into history.
Best regards,
Abandonware? Eh? We retooled DKC for the GBC in
2000 and again for the GBA last year, with a handheld version of the sequel
(sequels?) also on the way. Either you didn't know that, or your definition
of 'abandonware' is radically different to mine.
When faced with this interesting hypothesis, the
designer of the game came up with the idea that "we should tell Lars that
his bank account is also abandonware and we are claiming its contents for our
drinking fund".
Dear Scribes,
I recently bought the GBA version of DKC.
I'd say it's a mixed bag. The graphics look good on the GBA, but on the GBP,
not quite. More importantly, I like the new scrapbook, the DK Attack mode, the
mini-games, etc. The new features make the game better. Oh, and don't think
I haven't noticed that you've made Expresso actually worth something by giving
it the "small enemies don't hurt me" superpower, which it didn't have in its
former worthless Clark Kent persona. Good. So, overall, the game's worth owning,
but then again, maybe not. Why? Because you've done the unthinkable. The unforgivable.
You have changed Krusha's "Argh!" sound, that is, the best sound byte there
ever was and ever will be.
Now, I know you are currently porting DKC2,
my favorite game, and I beg of you, please do not change the classic "Krusha
Argh! Sound", which in this game belongs to any and all Kremlings, as it would
be a tragedy of epic proportions. I SWEAR I would not buy the game. Well, actually,
I still would, but I'd write an e-mail threatening not to buy the DKC3
port if you changed the "Kremling Argh! Sound"... which would still be a lie.
I swear I would... but I won't, since you'll leave it intact and as best-sound-everesque
as ever.
Thanks for your time,
I want games which are not ten-hour-long tutorials, so stop making such... things,
please. Yes, I'm talking about Banjo. I want 2D,
impossibly hard to beat, swear-inducing madness. I want a Battletoads
GBA game, port or not.
This calls for a couple of quotes from the hardened monkey handlers on our GBA
"DKC was made to
be played on the GBA, the palettes were adjusted to suit the dark screen. We
didn't get the GBA SP or the GB Player until after DKC
was finished. As you will soon see, the palettes in DKC2
are much better suited to all systems.
"Krusha's 'Argh' sound was changed along with
all the other sound effects. I personally like the new one more, but I'm sure
the musician will take your comments to heart."
Dear Scribes,
In the last edition of Scribes you accidentally pointed
out that the Banjo team had finished GBTG
and had started work on a new project. (As in they are not helping the other
teams but are making their own game.) So therefore I just wondered what game
that might be. I think the clue is in the name "Banjo
team" but I cannot quite work it out. Congratulations on Ghoulies
by the way. In my opinion it was the most enjoyable game on the Xbox so far,
although it did not have the epic feel of a few of your past successes. But
then not all games should be epics and I think the reviewers should understand
that. (Although it was also too easy. Yes I did all the challenges and got all
the platinum medals.)
I find it somewhat amusing that you are including
a special edition of the N64 Conker in his latest
adventure yet this will retail for less than the original. The local GAME still
has the original valued at £60 and sadly the money grabbing b******s have the
only copy I have seen. Please include Banjo-Tooie
as a hidden feature on a future "Banjo team" title
as my mother broke my N64 before I had chance to experience its delights. (She
also broke my Megadrive. So the moral of the story is, do not give old consoles
to your parents.)
Guess I should beg for updates of old games. Sorry
but I cannot be bothered. I understand the development teams should make the
games they want. I think that people put more effort into innovation as opposed
to simply updating existing ideas. Therefore please make lots of new games and
spread into new genres. (The traditional Japanese turn based RPG needs a Chewit
up the arse.)
Keep up the good work,
I didn't 'accidentally' point out anything, you madman - it's no secret that
Ghoulies is finished, and it's much more common
for a team to just start another project than to split up and scatter onto various
other teams. Consequently, I rate the level of corporate secrecy destroyed 1/10.
Let's see how the team reacts to your other comments:
for liking Ghoulies - we have our first official
fan! If we get two more we can start a club.
"Well, if the big N can take their iconic ape
platform star and get him to play some drums, then I don't see why we can't
get our favourite backpack-wearing bear to entertain you all by playing tunes
on his Banjo (full size Banjo instrument controller sold separately at $299).
So now you know what the Banjo team is up to. Don't
tell anyone, though."
BFD at £60?
Now? Good old Game. Oh, er, what I mean is buy it immediately, you'll
never spend a better £60, etc. Alternatively, the head of the GbtG
team has some helpful advice for you here too:
"As I mentioned earlier, I reckon you could get
a 'slightly used' copy of Conker from Measham car
boot sale. It's usually held in a field on Sundays, but not at the moment as
it's too cold. I guess it gives the sellers a chance to stockpile their dog-eared
Mills & Boon books, rusty pre-war tools and old George Formby LPs." (But
everyone knows it relocates to Swadlincote indoor market during the winter months...
apparently. - Ed)
"That last comment was almost inspirational Pazza,
until you mentioned Chewits. I hate the fruit salad flavoured ones."
So many people are having a go at Rare lately - all
they can seem to say about BKGR is that "it's too
short" and GbtG is "it's too repetitive" - why
focus on minor flaws? It's because they're still angry about the Nintendo split,
like I was for the first couple of months and then I thought - get over it,
life goes on...
OK, I've been hearing some worrying rumours going around
on forums and the like that "Rare is in ruins" and games like Kameo
are "abandoned". So I guess I'm writting for reassurance, those rumours aren't
true, right? Kameo is still coming, right? Just
yes, that's all I need to know, I don't care about "when" just "yes".
Well, keep up the good work - you're not going to print
this but so long as you've read it that's the main thing. Of course you could
make me look a fool and post it anyway. In fact, do what you like - make me
look a complete and utter idiot in response to this so long as you post it.
Yours Sincerely,
"no-one writes their real name on Scribes so why bother making up a believable
one" Neshin-san
Of course Kameo's still coming, just as PD0
is still coming. If it wasn't then we'd tell you, but generally we're not in
the habit of cancelling games that are far enough along to have been announced.
We're not blind to the fact that the Rare name lost some of its lustre to many
people after the move to Xbox, and while that's sad, it doesn't automatically
make us a sinking ship. If criticism of our games is justified, then we're fine
with that, hopefully we can learn from it; but if it's just the product of knee-jerk
reactions or mindless bandwagon-jumping, then obviously we won't be in such
a rush to take it to heart.
If Goldeneye push-button
codes exist, even in a test form, then certainly Perfect
Dark push-button codes exist...
Some of the criteria for getting codes on that game
are insanely hard, and I want the cheats without beating hard levels on hard
P.S. Were you joking when you put on your site the
"It's the stupid Rare letters page! Send us your
mail! We'll release the PD push-button codes as
a festive treat!"
That's just mean.
Levi Tyler
Not again. Ye gods. Well, if I've got to suffer, so has GoldenEye/PD's
"Perfect Dark and
GoldenEye are two different games. It was a human
and as I said before, external decision to place the push button codes into
GoldenEye, since the method of unlocking levels
made it difficult for NOA and Rare to test quickly. The method of progression
between levels in Perfect Dark was subtly different,
and so the codes were not needed. We are under no obligation to use anything
from previous games, and we will always try to improve on what we have done
before, as well as reacting to changes in technology.
"Check out the FAQ websites for advice on how
to approach each level. I can't give you the cheats you want because there are
no push button codes in Perfect Dark. All of the
cheats can be unlocked by playing the game. You have the potential to do that
yourself. You don't spend the time, you don't get the cheats, which sounds perfectly
reasonable to me."
PS Yes. It was a joke - a very obvious one - and
it's only mean to anyone who's still clinging to a desperate, groundless belief
that we're lying about the poxy things.
Dear Scribes,
It took me three-THREE-months to finally have enough
spare money to get around to buying Ghoulies, and
I must say that after much doubt, I'm pleasantly surprised. The game is a lot
of fun to play, and a terrific challenge (as opposed to the breeze-through I
expected). If I do have a problem, it's the lack of speech. Any reason for this?
The nitty-gritty:
1. What special tasks have the Banjo
team done to be mentioned so much? I don't even know what other teams there
are nowadays. The Conker team? The PD
team? Wha?
2. Even though sales have been sluggish in the States,
would you ever consider adding another game to the Ghoulies
3. Either I'm stupid, or in recent times the Scribes
archives have vanished altogether. What? Am I supposed to be content with only
the current one? Madness.
4. One more thing about voice-acting: It's a no-brainer
that, being a remake, Conker: Live and Uncut will
have dialogue at least in single-player mode, but what about Kameo?
English or Banjo-ish?
That's all I can squeeze out of my brain for the moment.
Now give us some new Kameo info, for the love of
1) One more for the team: "I guess we get mentioned a far bit because we're
gullible enough to answer all these questions Leigh keeps sending us. As for
teams - we've got THE BANJO TEAM, the Kameo
Team, the GBA Team, THE BANJO TEAM, the
Conker Team, the PD
TEAM, the secret team and the even more secret
team that are so secret they don't even know their fellow super-secret teammates.
Oh, and THE BANJO TEAM of course."
2) And another one: "We'd love to try another
Ghoulies game, but as you pointed out it would
have to make financial sense. How about we just flog our franchises until they
crawl to the knacker's yard and churn out some half-baked tragedies based on
unheard of B-movie licenses from now on, instead?" Hey
- sounds good to me.
3) See that button at the top of the Scribes page?
The one that says 'Previous Scribes'? Go
on, go mad, give it a click.
4) Sorry, you've already received your full quota of
useful information. It wouldn't do for us to come across as a genuinely useful
point of contact. But here's some new Kameo info
direct from the team for you to take away with you: "It's coming, it'll
be great, it'll be nothing like Blinx the Timesweeper, start saving."
I am a 16 year old male gamer who enjoys the odd game
of Donkey Kong Country 2. After spending hundreds
of dollars on your games surely you can answer my little question. Does DKC2
end at 102%? Everyone says it does but there are many reasons why they are a
pack of liars. Just look at this damning evidence...
1) On the title screen there is this big chest full
of treasure. In the 184 times I have completed the game not once have I come
across this chest. You'll no doubt try and pull wool over my eyes and say there
are hundreds of these chests in the game that hold coins, lives and bananas.
However on further inspection the chest on the title screen is about one Diddy
high and three Dixies wide meaning this is WAAAAAAAAY out of proportion compared
to the standard little chests you get in the levels. Where can I find the "Master"
chest like on the title screen?
2) On the original DKC
and DKC3 you get an asterix next to the percentage
rate once you've completed the game. In DKC2 at
102% there is no asterix! How do I get the '*'?
3) On the game select screen there is a treasure map.
There is a big arrow pointing to the level Stronghold Showdown labelled 'Treasure'.
This is so stupid. According to you guys and the manual we're saving DK not
collecting treasure. Stronghold Showdown is basically just a stupid little cut
scene. No treasure or anything.
Conveniently, the loquacious Ghoulies team leader
was also the designer of the first couple of DKCs,
so let's prod him for answers.
"102% is your lot, I'm afraid. How about I reveal
a consolation snippet of information concerning your fixation with Diddy's glittering
chest instead? Did you know (I can hardly believe you can, as we've never told
anyone) that originally the chest started shut and sprang open magnificently
when the tune reached its crescendo, lighting up the monkeys in a golden radiance?
Looked good for 1995 it did, but we ran out of memory and it had to go.
"Can't remember about the asterisks, sorry.
"Being a family guy, Donkey Kong IS the treasure
in Diddy's eyes, although the 'nephew' link was always a bit tenuous with him
being a monkey and DK a gorilla..."
First... the obligatory. When is the next KI3/Banjo
Threeie/Gamecube game coming out? What are the PD
push button codes? and Mr. Pants is the 1337 r0><0rZ!!!1!
Back to sanity... Later this semester I will be traveling
to the UK for a short studying stint. I'll have several free days to do whatever
I feel necessary. So after visiting a few pubs, I was thinking about paying
a very inebriated visit to my favorite video game company. So I will pose my
queries in list form.
1. Where about in the UK are your offices located,
or more importantly, how far from London?
2. If I were to stumble drunkenly into your lobby,
would I be able to meet with any one of your brilliant staff members? Take a
tour? See unreleased footage? Steal beta copies of C:L&U;
and PD0? Basically, if I showed up, would it be
worth my time?
3. Any suggestions for places to eat during my stay
in the UK?
4. That's it. I'm done.
1) We're slap bang in the middle of the country, about 100 miles from London.
2) If you were planning to stumble directly up
from London, this place would probably be home to a national biscuit consortium
or something by the time you got here. Otherwise, you might be shown around
the toilets if we happened to be in a good mood, and Andy down the corridor
might try to dump you in my room for the afternoon because he seems to find
that kind of thing funny, but I'd probably have found out in advance and booked
the day off (nothing personal, you understand). More likely, though, we'd probably
just turf you out, or not even let you through our big, black, spiked, bloodstained,
scorched, skull-topped iron gates in the first place.
3) What are we, the Rough Guide? You'll probably
be disappointed with our national cuisine wherever you go - most tourists are.
The 'local chippy' culture seems to be a very British thing.
Dear Scribes,
I was just reminiscing about the only adventure/kart
racing game ever to be made, Diddy Kong Racing
for the Nintendo 64, and I was wondering about the characters in that cast.
Diddy Kong continues to live in video game land, as seen in two recent GameCube
games, as does Conker, who starred in the awesome Conker's
Bad Fur Day, along with a sequel soon for Xbox, as I have heard. Also,
Banjo has had games for Nintendo 64 and Game Boy Advance, all which have been
successes, plus future projects. Tiptup has had cameos in some Rare games too.
This leaves us with the rest of the cast: Bumper the
Badger, Timber the Tiger, Krunch the Crocodile, Pipsy the Mouse, Drumstick the
Rooster, and Taj the Elephant Genie.
None of these guys have been in any video games (that
I know of) since the age of DKR. So what's the
Andrew Citrin
I took this one straight to some of the people behind DKR,
and was given the following shocking exclusives:
"Bumper has joined a circus, Timber turned into
a spoilt brat and so his mother ate him, Krunch went back to DK Land never to
be seen again, Pipsy has become a promiscuous teenager with twins on the way,
Drumstick ended up on someone's plate and Taj lost his genie powers and got
trapped in Tim The Enchanter's Genie Trapping Bottle. Maybe one day they'll
get sick of enjoying their new lives and come back to Rare to star in another
game (even the dead ones). Or maybe you're just 7 years too late in asking this
question. TipTup rules!! Yeah!!"
I am hoping you can clarify something for me. It is
a matter concerning the first DKC. You see, I was
very fond of the game and played it a whole lot when it came out on SNES. I
knew it by heart, down to the last detail. One night, playing at my friend's
place, when we reached the level Trick Trak Trek, I was baffled. Something was
wrong. On my cartridge, when reaching the end of its path, the platform would
always stop and stay there. But on my friend's cartridge, when reaching the
end of its path, the platform fell off the screen! I replayed the level to make
sure it wasn't a once-in-a-lifetime bug that I had triggered. Sure enough, the
platform fell every time. Next day, I tried my cartridge again, just to make
sure I wasn't dreaming. Nope, platform stops and stays.
No doubt more than one version of DKC
were made and this was probably changed for a reason. What is the reason? Why
did you make that change to the game? Were other subtle changes like these ever
made to other Rare games? And why don't you inform the public of such changes,
no matter how minor they are? PC game companies always list what changed between
versions of games, so why don't console game companies? It's like the matter
of the red blood in Ocarina of Time which was later changed to green
blood. Please answer as much as you can. It's alright if you don't answer them
all, but please try.
Greetings to all of Rare,
"made the Bumper Festive Scribes twice" Goulet
the loquacious Ghoulies team leader was also the
designer of the first couple of DKCs, so let's...
whoa, flashback.
"Well spotted Jean-Marc,
you win absolutely nothing! It does sound like one of the alterations we made
between production versions - usually to fix a bug. Due to the longer time it
took to build cartridges, we often supplied different versions for each production
run if any problems surfaced. In a very early version the platform dropped off
screen and then boosted you up to a secret simian nightclub level with a cocktail
bar and monkey chicks. Actually I just made that last bit up to try and spice
up this rubbish reply."
You seem to have got a bit confused. In the last Scribes,
you said there wasn't enough swearing. Yet all the semi-swearwords had asterisks
randomly dotted inside them. Is your keyboard broken? Or are people afraid to
send in emails with REAL swearwords just in case Uncle Tusk comes out of nowhere
and castrates them with nothing more than a copy of the Fame Academy
CD? If the latter, I fear not, and I am here to fill in your swear-word requirements.
T*ts arse w*nk f*ck p*ss scrot flange.
Lots of non-bumsexual love,
You misunderstand: it's not our readers' reluctance to indulge in vile profanity
that prevents me from strewing such filth across the website, it's a question
of appropriate self-censorship. I don't really think the Rare/MS management
would appreciate the absence of those nice wholesome asterisks. And anyway,
it's not 'scrot', it's 'scrote'. I think we can get away with that one, at least.
Hello. I was just wondering about something... In the
old-goldy, Perfect Dark, my player name once changed
to Skedar King (SkedarKing?) after playing a multiplayer match. This name does
not fit the player-name editbox normally; I felt silly after I deleted it, haha.
Then I couldn't get it back. I searched around recently to see if I could find
out more about that occurrence and I found nothing. I was wondering if someone
around there knew anything about easter eggs of PD
not yet discovered or not widely known.
I could just be really crazy, too... Heh, that's probably
Our semicolon-happy designer says: "I don't know why this happened; it's
not anything we'd have done because it seems to have no real purpose; it doesn't
seem to be one of the normal multiplayer awards; it's more likely to be a bug
than an Easter egg; he could be crazy but I have no real way of confirming that
at this time; to be honest I think people found everything in PD
a long time ago; the only thing they wouldn't have found are the push button
codes, which (and I don't know if I mentioned this before) are not in the game."
And the lead programmer adds: "I'm pretty
sure that 'Skedar King' or 'SkedarKing' was the string used to refer to the
Skedar King model in the game, so somehow it ended up in the player name."
Oh no - TEh tECnHN1CaL#.
First off, hats off to the Ghoulies
team for a job well done. I've got a few questions to ask Mr. Kirkhope about
his music:
1. Is the sound quality of the music/synth patches
a bit of preview of what the music for the next Banjo-Kazooie
game will sound like? (We all know the next BK
will come out sooner or later!)
2. How much memory was allotted for the sound and music
in Ghoulies? I have to guess a lot more than what
you had available for BK, since the quality is
a quantum leap from the N64.
3. Could you please tell me what kind of synthesizer
(or sampler CD?) has those great orchestra sounds you guys at Rare use? I'm
in the market for something to replace the ancient patches I currently use...
(Roland SRJV-80 expansion boards to be precise).
Thanks very much,
Kenny B.
Kirky-boy! Get over here and tend to our mate Kenneth.
"1) Hello Kenny... Banjo
who? Never heard of him.
"2) It was 1.14 GB in total, slightly larger
than 4 MB for Banjo-Tooie!
"3) Ah ha, a muso question! The soundtrack
was composed entirely using Gigastudio 160 (which is a software sampler). The
orchestral sounds are all from the 'Vienna Symphonic Library' which is an umpteen
disk set of real orchestral samples with no loops at all. The samples get streamed
in real time from the hard drive on my PC, this means I can use huge samples
e.g. the piano sample is 1GB in size by itself! It's a bit pricey mind..."
I've got one question that is driving me mad. Is Donkey
Kong Racing still coming out? Some websites such as (where
I downloaded the movie of Donkey Kong Racing) say "it's hanging in the
limbo" which I think means could be, could not. Other websites say it's been
cancelled or canned because of your move to Microsoft. And one website which
I've forgotten the site says it's still coming out and will be out by the end
of 2004. Please tell me if it's still coming or not as ever since I saw the
screenshot on my Gamecube box I've been looking forward to it and it would definitely
outsell Mario Kart Double Dash!! as Diddy Kong
Racing outsold Mario Kart 64. Please let me know.
Well, yes and no. It's not called Donkey Kong Racing any more, it's not
for the GameCube any more and by this point I'd imagine so little of the original
art and code remains that it's barely even the same game any more, but yes,
it's still coming out. In some form. Wait and see, if you haven't already picked
up on the new title that's been unofficially floating around the electrical
interweb for months now.
Northern Monkeys (or is it Southern Fairies? I can't find Twycross on my 1989
Road Atlas of England),
It's time for my bi-monthly rant at you lot. I will
now number my questions so that you won't be able to dodge any answers and ultimately
will decide not to print my letter at all.
1. Can you create a mascot racing game, but instead
of the seemingly unavoidable go-carts substitute some bling bling convertibles?
It could star Banjo and crew and could be called The Fast and the Furry-ios.
2. Will there be a Twycross building level in PD
Zero? That would be extremely entertaining and help me in planning my
inevitable post-delay announcement guntoting rampage within the real building.
3. Will Mr. Pants get a 3-D action adventure on Xbox?
I think that a semi-naked eggshaped protaganist with a moustache, bowler and
Black Adder accent thrown in with some Monty Python-like elements
could revolutionize the world of platforming action games. British humor must
be disseminated worldwide!
4. I request, no I demand a Rare-style knock-off of
Grand Theft Auto. Think of it, a Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels
style romp through London or some unreasonable facsimile. Genius!
5. Finally, I renew my request for a military strategy
game depicting the glorious battles of the British Empire, despite its appeal
namely to beardy historians. I shall have you know sir, I aspire to be counted
among the extremely rarified ranks of beardy military historians!
That's all, I think I've bothered you lot enough for
one day. I'm afraid there'll be no rubbish picture attachments, Arse or such
in my correspondence, I have far too great a respect for the dignity of your
fine organization... yes and... ARSE ARSE ARSE!
Bran the 3rd, Earl of Stinkmoor
1) Yeah, co-starring our great new character - wait for it - Vin Weasel. Ha
ha ha.
2) Twycross building? Which one? The tractor showroom?
The garden centre? The giraffe enclosure down at the zoo? Actually, they all
sound like fantastic FPS level settings...
3) "British humor", ach! If you're such
a fan you could at least follow the proper rules of vowel usage, not like those
heathens out in the colonies.
4) You mean The Getaway?
5) Sounds horrifically boring, and very beardy
indeed. How about elaborately staged reconstructions of the glorious
battles of the British Empire - STARRING JINJOS? Now that's more like it.
I hope you noticed that your contempt for the
RPA tradition was matched with the least helpful and informative answers I could
come up with.
I have been a fan of Rare for quite some time... but
a recent event in your game Grabbed by the Ghoulies
has me worried.
In this game, if you smash one of the vases next to
the door that leads to the last boss, do you know what comes out?
A smaller vase.
That's right. The Baron apparently uses large purple
vases to store his collection of slightly smaller vases. I wondered if there
might be an even smaller vase within this vase... but I was terrified to find
out, lest the vases turn out to be infinite, something which would shatter my
already fragile mind. While I'd normally be content to pin this one on the Baron,
*someone* in Rare had to design it... someone had to consciously make the choice
of putting a vase inside of a slightly larger vase.
I can only imagine what sort of depraved mind would
think to do such a thing... certainly no-one I want my children talking to,
...I don't have any just yet, but when I do, stay away
from them!
Bob Averill
"Calm down Bob," soothes the game's designer. "Have you never
heard of the famous Matryoshka dolls? (I had to look up that one on the
internet.) They're famous for it, so why not a vase in a vase? Better than eBay's
'ghost in a jar' in my opinion - and cheaper. You'll just have to blame the
vase situation on the housekeeper Babs Buffbrass, as she thought she could avoid
excess vase cleaning duties by hiding one inside another. The workshy, Marigold-clad
person who strings words together in
interesting ways,
In a recent, scintillating episode of Scribes, you
took a moment to explain some of Rare's in-jokes to the Xbox newbies. However,
you missed a few. Since I'm sure you can't be bothered, allow me to take the
time to explain the rest:
--Sean Williamson was the name of a psychotic fan obsessed
with getting a copy of the beta version of Goldeneye.
When he stormed into Rareware's Twycross offices, he was informed by the receptionist
that the sole copy had been donated to National Museum of Science & Industry
long ago. Enraged, he sat around the lobby and produced all manner of gaseous
emissions in protest. Sadly, he had to be clubbed to death with an oar, but
an enterprising sound engineer managed to record a few of his eruptions for
inclusion in future games. So, whenever you hear a burp in a Rareware game it's
not bathroom humor, it's a somber memorial to that black day.
--Uncle Tusk is a character named after British slang
for an act so foul it can't possibly be described in a family-friendly website,
even if said family is vastly dysfunctional.
--"Arse," on the other hand, isn't after the British
slang. Rather, it refers to a rather amusing anecdote during the creation of
Conker's Bad Fur Day. Its director conducted a
lot of research to make the gun-toting, cursing squirrel as scientifically accurate
as possible, so for the segments in which Conker extinguishes fire demons by
p*ssing on them he went to a local pub and drank heavily. While wearing a squirrel
outfit. Unfortunately, after his ninth Harvey Wallbanger he attempted to set
some rugby players on fire rather than the Rareware volunteer. When the dust
settled and the volunteer came across the director's bruised and bleeding body
crumpled on the ground, he asked if everything was all right. "Aaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrssse,"
he replied, which is of course the sound someone makes while throwing up on
--Taboo is the best game
ever. It's 100 times better than whatever your favorite game is. Go buy it.
You've summed everything up so well that not only can I not be bothered contradicting
you, I might actually adopt your version of events as the truth. I was disappointed
to hear that Williamson's "gaseous emissions" were only burps, though.
Perhaps he was trying to fart but couldn't work out how.
families: while
we're on the subject, I'd be interested
to hear if anyone else has had experiences similar to the humiliation I routinely
suffer at the hands of my four- and five-year-old offspring in Mario Kart:
Double Dash. It shouldn't be allowed.)
Here's a couple more in-joke clarifications for
the masses:
- Yellow Shirt Guy: Not, a many have suspected,
a tribute to the Shy Guys from the Mario line of games, YSG is actually
based on the dapper, diminutive Frenchman Didier Partouche who won
the hearts of everybody at Rare during his
run on epoch-making 80s Euro gameshow Going
For Gold. However, we have nothing to say to reports that he's to star in
a trio of almost-identical GBA games due out later this year (Yellow Shirt
Guy, Red Shirt Guy and Blue Shirt Guy) - that's a rumour and we don't
comment on rumours. Well, we do, but not that one.
- All Bonds Mode: An anagram of 'Don Balls Mode',
the strategic renaming necessary to avoid the legal wrath of Miami Vice
star Don Johnson, whose disproportionately massive* testicles were adopted by
up to four players in this disorientating slow-motion multiplayer setting hidden
deep within the GoldenEye
source code.
(* Allegedly)
Hey tusk Have you got any info for me on your new game "Rolling" as
I'm very interested in it. Just cool stuff like screen shots etc. PLEASE
Wrong page, wrong game, wrong company - but apart from that you're doing really
I'm a big banjo fan , but i'm a bit worried : Have
you (or THQ) planed a japan release for Banjo-Kazooie
Grunty's revenge ? Thanks and continue to make so gooood games.
The Banjo
Direct from the team: "No Japanese version has been done, so it looks unlikely."
Hello, If Banjo
pilet doesent come out in the next5 minets i will kill all
Do you remeber Conker's Bad Fur
Day? Well I was wondering if you could make a second one for nintendo
game cube and mabe call it Conker's Bad Fur Day 2 (Revenge Or the tediz)
and on the box say (This time, Ther'e ciborgs).PLEASE!
How are you going to do that? With your spelling?
"This time, Ther'e ciborgs" does have a certain ring to it.
You know - IN STUPID LAND.
I agree with the Banjo
team that Banjo-Threeie is an overused name. I say it's time Kazooie
got the solo title, so bring on Three-o Kazooie! Or not. That might scare
It'll probably end up being called Banjo-Kazooie 3, just to irritate
public class LaughAtYou
{ public static void main(String[] args)
{ System.out.println("Ha!");
Olpus Bonzo
Run! It's a robot that tells half-jokes! Like some of the people I go out drinking
Does this comment from last edition seem familiar? "'GameSauce'? You're
clearly making that up... " Oh
I am, am I?
I was trying to give you an opt-out clause from citizenship of a land
that shows 'GameSauce'.
Don't you think it's about time for another edition of The Tepid Seat? It's
been awhile since your last update of it, and I'm beginning to wonder if it's
cooled off and gone for good.
A. Barrow
It's back, just for you! Even though you sent this after we'd decided.
I think the end boss
in Perfect Dark Zero should definitely appear before
just the last level (unlike the Skedar King). He should also smash Joanna's
violin to show the audience how mean he is.
Martin "Alf-Life"
Is that a Derailed reference? It is, isn't it? Cut that out.
I have to confess I'm a Mr. Pants fanatic.
So what if JFG wasn't the greatest game ever? It's
got Mr. Pants, so I'm happy. I will definitely buy It's
Mister Pants, maybe multiple copies, regardless of quality. Mr. Pants
is my hero.
Mr. Pants is everyone's hero. You
Pet my Piglet! Put simply, Cooper looks
like he's been pumping up on steroids in the 'Ghoulies
boxart. What on earth happened there?
Edmund King
Something called 'non-Ghoulies team artists' happened
My name is Garry Haywood and right now I'm drooling over Kameo's massive
pair of lovely boots.
Garry Haywood
What's this? Heterosexual innuendo? You're the worst impostor ever!
I'd like to understand better about
the PD festive treat, what does it means ?? will
you send the codes of Perfect Dark for the peoples
who ask u about it by e-mail??? If so ... please send me the codes, i almost
cant wait for it !!!!
I think all it means is that sarcasm doesn't cross the language barrier very
it true that you are still developing games for the Playboy Advance? If so,
give me teh URLs!!!~!!
We're thinking of developing for the Playboy DS - tEh pR0N x 2!!#!!!1
Have you got any New idea's featuring New Caracters?
That's like asking UB40 if they've got any new songs.
You bought an N-Gage, didn't you?
I'd need to have seen one on sale somewhere first.
Hi, my name is Garry Haywood and right now I'm making a custom screensaver featuring
the rim of Sabreman's large, round... hat.
Garry Haywood
Now that's more like it. Keep it up.
I've got the perfect name for the third
Banjo game! Instead of Banjo-Threeie, how
about Thranjo-Kazooie? GENIUS!
Nick Flavor
If by "GENIUS" you mean "worst name since G.A.S.P.!! Fighters
NEXTream", then yes.
by the Ghoulies is awesome. Guybrush
Threepwood now has a run for his money. LucasArts, I found the funny bone you
lost, Rare has the funny bone. Take care, and tell Mr. Pants I said it is in
your pants, and it is anything you want it to be.
Rare Newcomer
I told him, he looked guilty, and I decided I didn't want to know.
I think Mr. Pants' moustache in the Please Leave pic makes him look more like
he has a beak of sorts. Am I a freak?
Mickelly Mikelly
No, you only said "a beak of sorts". It could be "a beak
that looks like a moustache".
will conker live and uncut means that you can play
live in xbox and uncut means that is the cnker game in 64 but with more graphics
and more mature like a little of adult.......................... hey that will
be cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Antonio F. Fernandez
Thank you... for your interest... in Rare?